If slots didn’t exist… Now there’s a scary thought! I’d still be running all of my main businesses, of course, but – besides hockey – what else would I do in my spare time? What on Earth would my YouTube channel be about? I guess I could give business advice or something like that, but that sounds a little boring, doesn’t it? The main reason I do this YouTube channel, after all, is to get away from the grind of my regular businesses… To just showcase fun stuff. Lucky for me, this world of casinos and video creation has certainly introduced me to a few other fun topics, too.
Lately, for example, I’ve been playing other games besides just slots. I recently posted my channel’s first ever baccarat video. And with $21,000 in that session, you better believe it was CRAZY. Speaking of crazy, ever seen me play live blackjack for $4,000/hand? If not, then you might want to watch this video. It was a pretty awesome experience, but certainly no wheel spin bonuses in that one. Which brings us to roulette, which is always a good time, and obviously, has endless wheel spins. But those spins just aren’t the same without the flashy sounds, blinking lights, and that clutch screen that says, “Call Attendant.” So maybe a Raja ‘table games’ YouTube channel wouldn’t work out so well, after all.
What about the hotels I stay at, though? People love seeing the comps I get. And some of the rooms I stay in are just insane. Did you see my recent penthouse suite tour video at The Cosmopolitan Las Vegas? As you’ll see, each of those rooms comes with its own staff (hahaha – you’ll understand when you see it), plus the view at this place is incredible. I also gave a tour of my Caesars Palace penthouse suite when I recorded slot videos there for the first time ever a few months ago. That place is just the epitome of luxury. And The Hard Rock Casino rooms in Las Vegas? Not too shabby either, as you can see here. But when push comes to shove, I don’t really stay at too many different hotels. After all, the ones that treat me right – I just keep going back to them, so that kind of a channel could get pretty tired pretty quickly.
But you know what’s not getting tired at all? My son’s TikTok channel, where he just pulls prank after prank after prank. His pranks usually involve my Lambo, like in this video, where he punked a hot girl with a ‘boyfriend.’ Or in this video, where he… punked another hot girl with a ‘boyfriend,’ hahaha. In fact, it inspired me so much, that I posted my own video on his channel. In this one, you’ll be quite surprised to see me punking a hot girl with a ‘boyfriend.’ As you can see, my attempt wasn’t quite as sharp as my son’s, so maybe I’d just leave those kinds of videos to him.
Hmmmm… Decisions, decisions, decisions. A full Raja channel of table games probably wouldn’t make sense, and I can only show the same penthouse suites so many times, and my pranks will never live up to Michael’s. So, what then? Lucky for me, it’s a decision I don’t really have to make. Slots are here to stay, and they aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. So, sit back, strap in, and let’s go play some HIGH-LIMIT SLOTS and win some SERIOUS JACKPOTS!