I love slots. You love slots. That much is obvious. We all spend a lot of time on YouTube together for slot-related material. Obviously. But you watch some other channels too, don’t you? We’ll it might surprise you to learn that I do too. What else do you find interesting online? Maybe it’s this white guy who shocks Chinese people with his surprising fluency in their language? Or maybe it’s DJ Vlad’s interviews with hiphop legends? Whatever your interests, there’s almost definitely something on YouTube for anyone and everyone. For me, sure, there are some other slot channels I like, but it might surprise you to learn that I also enjoy really like watching international massage reviews, as well as – strange as it may sound – adventure video footage. Don’t worry, I’ll explain…
First, slots. Nothing shocking there. I watch other slot channels sometimes. In fact, my friends, the Slot Ladies, have an incredible channel of their own. If you’ve watched recently, you’ve seen them take on Quick Hit, Wheel of Fortune, Buffalo Gold, and a slew of others. Same thing with my other close friend, Lady Luck HQ. She has just been killing it lately, with some huge jackpots on Dragon Link, Piggy Bankin’, Cleopatra 2, and a whole lot more. And then there’s BoD. If I’m forced to admit it, I guess I’ll concede that I watch some of his videos on his Brian of Denver channel too. But please don’t ever tell him, or I’ll never hear the end of it.
You can, however, tell my longtime friend and Big Jackpot Patreon moderator, Joe Yama, that I’m a huge fan of his YouTube channel, Bonsai Yama Review. He’s got so many incredible massage reviews from all over the world. Plus, lately, he’s also been getting a lot more into food review videos, and hotel suite tours. His Sahara Las Vegas Marra one-bedroom suite video is pretty fun, and I really liked his recent reviews of this awesome steakhouse, this crazy donut bar, and this incredible buffet.
Alright, now it’s time to get into that weird one I mentioned in the beginning. Crazy adventure videos. “But why, Raja?” you might ask? A few reasons. With Josh Holder’s adventure channel, in particular, let’s forget for a moment that his videos are just nuts, and wildly entertaining. He’s also somebody I’ve known for a long time and frankly, I like to support smaller channels, when I can, to help them grow. Plus, he’s the curator of a Colorado staple here for many years: The Frightmare Compound Haunted House. My twins will actually be working there this year, so that’s very exciting for a dad like me!
With that in mind, I certainly hope you’ll check out some of my friends’ channels above. Whether it’s more slot play, or reviews, or wild adventures, I think you’ll find something there that you really like, just as I do. And if you don’t, no worries – there’s always MORE MEGA JACKPOTS to check out on my very own channel. I’ll be sure to keep ‘em coming.